Oily Face? Here's An Office Hack

Oily Face? Here's An Office Hack

Ladies, you need to trust me on this one.

Many of you, like us, will often go straight from the office to drinks/dinners/dates/events because you work until 6 or 7 pm and there's no time to go home and freshen up. You have to improvise with whatever is in your bag or desk, to make sure you don't look as tired as you feel!

A trick I picked up years ago from a magazine is to rip off a piece of the toilet seat covers and use them as oil absorbing sheets on your T-zone in a pinch!! To be clear, do not use one that you've sat on.

Here's a friend's reaction when I told her about my little trick as I rushed to meet her for dinner after work.




What are your office hacks?! Please leave a comment below for any tips/tricks you use!

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